welcome to Ram Avtar Memorial Public School


Principal's message


                               Principal’s Message

“Everything we do not have at our birth

And which we need when we are grown is given us by education.’’
 (Jean Jacques Rousseau)


Education is another name for civilization, liberation and empowerment, because it civilizes, it liberates and it empowers everyone who receives it.  Education is the unfailing treasure for everyone and its radiance never ceases. Youth is a great asset for a nation to build a promising future and for the realization of the common dreams. We need to raise educated and integrated young warriors to fight the enemies with the face of corruption and oppression.

Empowerment would not be enduring without education. Age-old wisdom teaches us that idea is power, and knowledge is liberation. It is education that effects and sustains empowerment. Transformation through the integration of all into the knowledge fold should be our endeavor. Moreover, this dream shall be realized only when they learned and educated and well fed and well housed enter into the lives of ignorant, uneducated and the unfed. I, strongly believe that this is the true spirit of education.

 “The aim of education is not

the acquisition of knowledge, although important

nor the acquisition of technical skills, though essential in modern society,

but the development of that bent of mind,

that attitude of reason, that spirit of democracy

which will make us responsible citizens”.

-Dr. Radhakrishnan
